The Australian Federal Government has extended our Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) funding for a further two years until 30 June 2022, the total amount is $100,901.67 for each year just to keep our program running and to ensure that our consumers get the best possible care.
One of the Cambodian Association of Victoria’s main goals is to ensure that older people are supported, valued and encouraged to remain active members of our community. That is why the Commonwealth Home Support Program is essential support for our senior’s group and services clients over the age of 65.
In 2019 the association provided a variety of services to our seniors who need helps with daily tasks such as food preparation, transport, shopping, exercise, outings, cultural celebrations and information session relating to elderly health and other issues.
The association believes that all of our seniors have the right to live well no matter their age or stage in life. As part of this program the Cambodian senior’s group has 28 active members who participate in our program. Of this group the majority are aged in 80s and 90s.
Here is a breakdown of age level of the members of our group, and those actively involved with our activities program:
Age No of people involved
65-79 2
70-74 2
75-79 6
80-84 10
85-90 2
90-94 6
95-99 1
The above activities allow our seniors to live longer and stronger by continuing to do the things they love most, like regular aerobics, swimming exercises, socialising and enjoying special food prepared by our own chef, Ms Phanny Soeur.
Food preparation and using public transport is part of the wellness reablement plan where consumers are supported with daily activities to help them regain their independence. On 26 March 2019 the consumers were supported with cooking under the supervision of our chef Ms Phanny Soeur and Mrs Mora Gibbings. The consumers were trained on how to roll up sushi, rice paper rolls.
In January 2019, the consumers were taught how to use public transport and using the Myki Metcard. The association staff teach our consumers
by catching the train, tram and bus with them until they are confident to do it themselves. This service helps to combat isolation problems. The program also has van to pickup which reduces the waiting list for those entering into our program. This activity encourages the consumer to do things themselves and to be active and independent as much as possible
For further information contact:
Phone: (03) 9546 3466
Mobile: 0435 988 685
Email: salazar@cambodianassociation.com.au