Express thank that Cambodian Association of Victoria (CAV) have great opportunity from the Council of Greater Dandenong to continue funding for the next 12 months further.
Consequently, CAV has provided vary support services for new migrants. This program aims to assist those new migrants, who are unfamiliar with how to live, study, work and resettlement in Australia.
Ethnic Youth Development Worker (EYDW) aims and objectives target youth group aged between 8 – 25 years old and match demographic areas in the City of Greater Dandenong, such as Springvale, Springvale South, Keysborough, Noble Park and Dandenong.
Ethnic Youth Worker (EYW) regularly visited those students at 3 local Secondary Colleges, such as Wellington Secondary College, Westall Secondary College and Noble Park Secondary College, and other schools or places where there are required.
We received strongly support from schools’ Welfare Coordinators to inform students about our program, publishing our program on weekly school’s bulletin, and making school announcement of our program before school’s lunchtime etc.
Since the early December 2015, EYW has run Cambodian Traditional Dancing Class to meet the demand of youths, who want study and explore Cambodia’s Culture. The class successfully run every Sunday 1:00pm-4:00pm. More than 10 young youths attended regularly, and more than 30 high school students, trained and performed in their school, including Cultural Day, fundraising, Harmony day, Christmas celebration and Assembly day. The class also run
regularly every Sunday and flexible to students. In addition, CAV has music band, which practising every Saturday and encouraged a lot of young youth participating and entertaining.
As well as visiting students at their schools, EYDW has provided support them with finding job, writing resume, finding affording housing that close to the schools. CAV has two notice boards, displayed and update local news such as room to share/rent and other. So far, we have facilitated students to find renting house that is close to their schools and get more networking to community.
CAV-EYDW is proud to continue our providing support for youth and local Cambodian communities in the City of Greater Dandenong as well as we ran this program for more than 35 years ago.
Through our successful & achieves in the previous year, our activities such as Cleaning Up Australian Day last 01 March 2020, there were more than 70 people participated and 60% of them were youth.
For further information contact:
CAV’s Youth Worker:
Mr Kiry Uth
Phone: (03) 9546 4366
Mobile: 0395 463 466
Email: uthkiry@hotmail.com